

Found a neat feedline loss calculator. Took it for a spin using numbers from my upgraded 5-band trap dipole coax. I was always under the impression that the quality of coax, mainly the loss figures, didn't really matter a whole lot at HF. Above 100 MHz, sure, and especially above 400 MHz (for the scanners), but not below 30 MHz.


RG8X 110' 9913 60'
f (MHz) W @ antenna W @ antenna Increase in power @ antenna (W)
28.4 62.6 90.6 28.0
21.2 66.8 91.9 25.1
14.2 72.0 93.3 21.3
7.2 79.3 95.2 15.9
3.6 84.9 96.6 11.7

I assumed 1.5:1 SWR, though I haven't made specific measurements - the dipole is closer to resonant on 15 m (don't need the tuner) than it is on 10 or 80 m (definitely need the tuner), but 1.5 is probably close to an average.

But man, a 28 W improvement on the local Wednesday night 10-m net? Wow.

So this really does change things w/r/t the RFI situation.

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