
Oh, yeah. The WARC dipole

Forgot to post this.

To recap, [spouse] and I got *one* end of the WARC trap dipole (30-12 m)
over the Walnut tree but then I kept losing weights and breaking
monofilament trying to shoot over the Sycamore (doesn't help that
there is a Blackjack Oak in the way). Grr.

Went to Atwoods yesterday and got some 20-lb-test line and [spouse]
picked up some fairly big washers to use as weights today.

Got home a little early and started shooting again. *Finally* got the
monofilament over the tree and hauled up the support rope, then guided
the dipole over the in-the-way Blackjack Oak and into the air. Phew.
Coax was already attached from the other day.

It's windy, as you may have noticed, and I see that the Sycamore moves
a whole lot more than the trees that the 5-band-trap is over (a
different Blackjack Oak and a different Walnut). We left a little
slack to see how it's going to settle. With the other antenna, there
is hardly any movement and I've tightened it up maybe three times
since it went up in 2006.

So I come inside and turn on the IC725. I set the *manual* tuner to
bypass to check out the bands. Nearly flat on all three!! Whoo hoo!

Hey. Is that a station I hear on 18.235? Sure enough ... worked
VK9DWX (Willis Is) on the first try.

Yes, I am having fun - why do you ask??? :-)

Thanks to [spouse] - couldn't have done it alone.

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