
Yep, need a new antenna

Well, actually, it still works from 80 - 15, and I do have a 10-m dipole ready to put up.

Last night on the local 10-m net, I managed to tune up OK before the net, and even chatted briefly with some locals, pre-net. It's a roll-call net (though we take check-ins as well) and when it was my turn, I launched into a monologue.

About a minute or 2 in, clink, off went the tuner. A ha. I was able to tune up again, but I kept transmissions short after that.

I gather that there is a heat sensor or something in the ATU of the IC-746Pro that kicks it off if it's working too hard. Evidently, 8.5:1 SWR is too much for it to digest, at least for very long.

What I'd really like to do is replace the D-56 with the D-52. Same 80-10 coverage, but with only 2 traps. About 23 extra feet of copper, but I have the trees to do that. Problem is, Spi-Ro Manufacturing seems to have gone out of business.

BULLETIN!! Just checked the site and it's been updated with an eBay store link. Great - I might be able to order the antenna after all!

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