I was NCS for the local 10-m net tonight. By all accounts, the new 10-m slopey dipole works into town a lot better than the D-56 did.
Given that we're only about 8 radio miles east of the center of town you wouldn't think that there'd be much difference between a (roughly) NW-SE dipole and an N-S dipole ... but there clearly is.
Since the D-56 is still up, I could do A/B comparisons. Only two stations were better on the old antenna, one of which is only about 1/2 mile due south of me.
Interesting all around.
The new D-52 (5 bands, 2 traps, and about 23' longer than the D-56) has been ordered and should be here any day now. That, too, should be interesting.
10 meters
So I had this old homebrew 10-m dipole. Been meaning to put it up for ages. Measured it up today and found that it was a little short (meaning its sweet spot would be a little high). Looked at the copper and decided to replace it. The wire I used was the very thin multi-strand stuff that Radio Shack sells/used to sell in a SWL longwire kit. I still had a bunch so I decided to take 35' or so, fold it in half, and twist it together. Tinned up the middle of the result, snipped it, and then attached it to the balun. Almost made it to short again (memo to self: cut them 1 foot longer than required!).
According to the borrowed SWR analyzer I have, the deepest part of the dip is around 28.400. That's excellent ... except that the SWR is 1.8:1. That's not bad and I don't even need the tuner for that, but it should be a lot closer to 1:1.
Anyway, I tuned through the band and heard a strong signal about 28.400. Called him and was 59 ... in Tucson. Seems like there was a bit of a Sporadic-E opening this afternoon. Heard a couple other stations, but only worked the W7.
HK0 was on today, too, down on 20 m, but I really couldn't hear the guy. HUGE pileup. Would have been #125.
According to the borrowed SWR analyzer I have, the deepest part of the dip is around 28.400. That's excellent ... except that the SWR is 1.8:1. That's not bad and I don't even need the tuner for that, but it should be a lot closer to 1:1.
Anyway, I tuned through the band and heard a strong signal about 28.400. Called him and was 59 ... in Tucson. Seems like there was a bit of a Sporadic-E opening this afternoon. Heard a couple other stations, but only worked the W7.
HK0 was on today, too, down on 20 m, but I really couldn't hear the guy. HUGE pileup. Would have been #125.
Yep, need a new antenna
Well, actually, it still works from 80 - 15, and I do have a 10-m dipole ready to put up.
Last night on the local 10-m net, I managed to tune up OK before the net, and even chatted briefly with some locals, pre-net. It's a roll-call net (though we take check-ins as well) and when it was my turn, I launched into a monologue.
About a minute or 2 in, clink, off went the tuner. A ha. I was able to tune up again, but I kept transmissions short after that.
I gather that there is a heat sensor or something in the ATU of the IC-746Pro that kicks it off if it's working too hard. Evidently, 8.5:1 SWR is too much for it to digest, at least for very long.
What I'd really like to do is replace the D-56 with the D-52. Same 80-10 coverage, but with only 2 traps. About 23 extra feet of copper, but I have the trees to do that. Problem is, Spi-Ro Manufacturing seems to have gone out of business.
BULLETIN!! Just checked the site and it's been updated with an eBay store link. Great - I might be able to order the antenna after all!
Last night on the local 10-m net, I managed to tune up OK before the net, and even chatted briefly with some locals, pre-net. It's a roll-call net (though we take check-ins as well) and when it was my turn, I launched into a monologue.
About a minute or 2 in, clink, off went the tuner. A ha. I was able to tune up again, but I kept transmissions short after that.
I gather that there is a heat sensor or something in the ATU of the IC-746Pro that kicks it off if it's working too hard. Evidently, 8.5:1 SWR is too much for it to digest, at least for very long.
What I'd really like to do is replace the D-56 with the D-52. Same 80-10 coverage, but with only 2 traps. About 23 extra feet of copper, but I have the trees to do that. Problem is, Spi-Ro Manufacturing seems to have gone out of business.
BULLETIN!! Just checked the site and it's been updated with an eBay store link. Great - I might be able to order the antenna after all!
Might need a new skywire

Well, I might have blown a trap on the 5-band Trap Dipole. It's a 15-year-old Spi-Ro D-56 and, pending confirmation tonight, it appears one of the 10-m traps has died. The SWR was never flat across all of 10 meters, but it was never > 6:1 over any of it that I recall. If I recheck and it really is that high on 10, I may not even be able to check in on the local weekly 10-m net. As the immortal Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, "Well it just goes to show you, it's always something." I'll spare you the rest.
Found a neat feedline loss calculator. Took it for a spin using numbers from my upgraded 5-band trap dipole coax. I was always under the impression that the quality of coax, mainly the loss figures, didn't really matter a whole lot at HF. Above 100 MHz, sure, and especially above 400 MHz (for the scanners), but not below 30 MHz.
I assumed 1.5:1 SWR, though I haven't made specific measurements - the dipole is closer to resonant on 15 m (don't need the tuner) than it is on 10 or 80 m (definitely need the tuner), but 1.5 is probably close to an average.
But man, a 28 W improvement on the local Wednesday night 10-m net? Wow.
So this really does change things w/r/t the RFI situation.
RG8X 110' 9913 60'
f (MHz) W @ antenna W @ antenna Increase in power @ antenna (W)
28.4 62.6 90.6 28.0
21.2 66.8 91.9 25.1
14.2 72.0 93.3 21.3
7.2 79.3 95.2 15.9
3.6 84.9 96.6 11.7
I assumed 1.5:1 SWR, though I haven't made specific measurements - the dipole is closer to resonant on 15 m (don't need the tuner) than it is on 10 or 80 m (definitely need the tuner), but 1.5 is probably close to an average.
But man, a 28 W improvement on the local Wednesday night 10-m net? Wow.
So this really does change things w/r/t the RFI situation.
One Newfie short of a Sweep
I really wanted a Clean Sweep in this year's November Sweepstakes. It's the 75th running of the contest (or 75th anniversary of the first running, I guess), and the League is giving away whisk brooms to stations that work all 80 ARRL and RAC sections. And, unlike the Clean Sweep mugs (a special version of that this year, too), all you need do is submit a log showing that worked them all and the Contest Branch will send you one.
I missed by one: NL - Newfoundland and Labrador.
What's worse is that I heard a VO1 and tried to work him. He got my prefix but couldn't get the full call and he invited me to try later. Like an idiot, I didn't.
I had big RFI problems, especially on the low bands. Certainly worse than last year. Around the time we got the WARC dipole up, I replaced the 110' of RG8X on the D-56 with 60 or so feet of Belden 9913. It was pointed out to me that this did change the RF in the radio room.
The biggest issue was with the level converter. The converter, a repurposed "ADMS" cable from my Yaesu HT, lets the logging program control the radio. Radio is TTL and the rest of the serial world is RS-232 - the converter makes the transition. The latest Icom rig has a USB connection, wonder of wonders, so this oddity will soon be a thing of the past.
What would happen was that the software would lose the connection with the radio. Even while not transmitting sometimes. That it would happen while receiving leads me to believe that it's not entirely an RFI issue, but RFI is certainly the bulk of it.
Worse, I'm still getting into the POTS and DSL. Spouse reset the DSL modem 4 times before finally giving up. I also worked into the TV audio and the FM broadcast radio. No points for that - I checked.
So, I need to solve that. My station ground is not bonded to the house electrical ground and this may be an issue.
Anyway, I elected to forge ahead without getting the band/mode/freq data from the radio directly. Not a big problem, in the grand scheme of things, I guess.
The upside to this weekend is that I broke my personal contest and SS records by a lot! 511 QSOs and 79 (of 80) sections. Previous best SS score from home was 333x77 (2007 SS SSB) and previous best number of QSOs ever was 449 (2006 RTTY RU).
So there's that. :-)
Turns out that calling CQ instead of doing "S&P" (search and pounce - tune around and call other stations that are calling CQ) is way more efficient. Not only that, but the multipliers call you instead of you hunting them down. I hope no one else learns of this secret!!!
I've never believed that my home station was capable of holding a frequency and doing a run, but apparently that's not the case. On 40 and 80 it stands to reason since few stations run anything other than wires or a vertical. Sure, some folks have beams or rotatable dipoles for 40 and even 80, but they usually also run 1500 W and thus aren't in the "Low Power" classes. But I was able to make a run on 15 yesterday, too. On 15 (and 10 and 20), lots of stations have Yagis. I don't; I have a dipole.
Pretty cool that I could hold a frequency -- on 15, even! -- long enough to get a run going. I'll be trying this for upcoming contests you can be sure.
I missed by one: NL - Newfoundland and Labrador.
What's worse is that I heard a VO1 and tried to work him. He got my prefix but couldn't get the full call and he invited me to try later. Like an idiot, I didn't.
I had big RFI problems, especially on the low bands. Certainly worse than last year. Around the time we got the WARC dipole up, I replaced the 110' of RG8X on the D-56 with 60 or so feet of Belden 9913. It was pointed out to me that this did change the RF in the radio room.
The biggest issue was with the level converter. The converter, a repurposed "ADMS" cable from my Yaesu HT, lets the logging program control the radio. Radio is TTL and the rest of the serial world is RS-232 - the converter makes the transition. The latest Icom rig has a USB connection, wonder of wonders, so this oddity will soon be a thing of the past.
What would happen was that the software would lose the connection with the radio. Even while not transmitting sometimes. That it would happen while receiving leads me to believe that it's not entirely an RFI issue, but RFI is certainly the bulk of it.
Worse, I'm still getting into the POTS and DSL. Spouse reset the DSL modem 4 times before finally giving up. I also worked into the TV audio and the FM broadcast radio. No points for that - I checked.
So, I need to solve that. My station ground is not bonded to the house electrical ground and this may be an issue.
Anyway, I elected to forge ahead without getting the band/mode/freq data from the radio directly. Not a big problem, in the grand scheme of things, I guess.
The upside to this weekend is that I broke my personal contest and SS records by a lot! 511 QSOs and 79 (of 80) sections. Previous best SS score from home was 333x77 (2007 SS SSB) and previous best number of QSOs ever was 449 (2006 RTTY RU).
So there's that. :-)
Turns out that calling CQ instead of doing "S&P" (search and pounce - tune around and call other stations that are calling CQ) is way more efficient. Not only that, but the multipliers call you instead of you hunting them down. I hope no one else learns of this secret!!!
I've never believed that my home station was capable of holding a frequency and doing a run, but apparently that's not the case. On 40 and 80 it stands to reason since few stations run anything other than wires or a vertical. Sure, some folks have beams or rotatable dipoles for 40 and even 80, but they usually also run 1500 W and thus aren't in the "Low Power" classes. But I was able to make a run on 15 yesterday, too. On 15 (and 10 and 20), lots of stations have Yagis. I don't; I have a dipole.
Pretty cool that I could hold a frequency -- on 15, even! -- long enough to get a run going. I'll be trying this for upcoming contests you can be sure.
Card Checking
Dropping off my cards at the DXCC Card Checker's house Saturday. He checks the cards to make sure that I have what I say I have on the submission paperwork and then sends in my application. This saves me the trouble of sending 100+ cards off to Newington and paying for postage both ways.
The logging software I use, DXLab's DXKeeper, keeps track of all my QSOs, obviously, but it also tracks awards. I tell it what my DXing objectives are, then tell it to create my DXCC submission.
I did that and it came up with 166 QSOs that I can submit for DXCC credit. I'll end up with 100 entities, which will get me the Mixed award, with the rest going towards the various mode and band awards.
I'm doing my inital submission with cards, no LoTW credits. Once I get my initial certificate, I'll do another electronic submission of the other credits. Actually, I'll probably wait until I have enough credits for another award (say, 15 m).
Only took 15 years. :-)
The logging software I use, DXLab's DXKeeper, keeps track of all my QSOs, obviously, but it also tracks awards. I tell it what my DXing objectives are, then tell it to create my DXCC submission.
I did that and it came up with 166 QSOs that I can submit for DXCC credit. I'll end up with 100 entities, which will get me the Mixed award, with the rest going towards the various mode and band awards.
I'm doing my inital submission with cards, no LoTW credits. Once I get my initial certificate, I'll do another electronic submission of the other credits. Actually, I'll probably wait until I have enough credits for another award (say, 15 m).
Only took 15 years. :-)
Seems like the local club is a bit thin on DXCC members. By my count, only four, two of whom are at the top of the Honor Roll. I know that there are two others with cards ready to check, me being one of them. Still, 6 out of nearly 100 members doesn't seem like enough.
I wonder how many have WAS or WAC? The ARRL (and IARU) don't have an online list of folks who hold those, so I can't tell. Need to do a survey of the club, I guess.
I keep threatening to do some kind of QSL/BURO/Awards presentation. Maybe my goal should be to get as many people working on awards as I can.
WAC is easy - 6 QSOs and you're done. EA8 and CT3 count for AF (which is a continent!). KH6 counts for OC. NA, SA, and EU are a dime a dozen. The tough one, at this point in the cycle, is AS, though I've heard bunches of JAs on 20, 17 and 15 lately.
I wonder how many have WAS or WAC? The ARRL (and IARU) don't have an online list of folks who hold those, so I can't tell. Need to do a survey of the club, I guess.
I keep threatening to do some kind of QSL/BURO/Awards presentation. Maybe my goal should be to get as many people working on awards as I can.
WAC is easy - 6 QSOs and you're done. EA8 and CT3 count for AF (which is a continent!). KH6 counts for OC. NA, SA, and EU are a dime a dozen. The tough one, at this point in the cycle, is AS, though I've heard bunches of JAs on 20, 17 and 15 lately.
Cluster Effect
I've been making casual contacts of late, which I haven't done in years. I guess it's because I got the WARC dipole back up and 17 m is a pretty calm band, relatively speaking.
I've been doing the QSOs the real way, tuning around and answering CQs. Today, I answered a GI station that was calling and had a nice chat with Victor in Omagh. My PC is set up for logging, etc, via DXLab Suite, and I noticed that he hadn't been spotted. He seemed to be interested in working more stations, so I spotted him.
Never fails. Next time he finished up, he had a small pile-up.
I've done that a few times now and it amuses me no end. If you can watch the cluster for spots, you can post spots, too. Sheesh.
I've been doing the QSOs the real way, tuning around and answering CQs. Today, I answered a GI station that was calling and had a nice chat with Victor in Omagh. My PC is set up for logging, etc, via DXLab Suite, and I noticed that he hadn't been spotted. He seemed to be interested in working more stations, so I spotted him.
Never fails. Next time he finished up, he had a small pile-up.
I've done that a few times now and it amuses me no end. If you can watch the cluster for spots, you can post spots, too. Sheesh.
Oh, yeah. The WARC dipole
Forgot to post this.
To recap, [spouse] and I got *one* end of the WARC trap dipole (30-12 m)
over the Walnut tree but then I kept losing weights and breaking
monofilament trying to shoot over the Sycamore (doesn't help that
there is a Blackjack Oak in the way). Grr.
Went to Atwoods yesterday and got some 20-lb-test line and [spouse]
picked up some fairly big washers to use as weights today.
Got home a little early and started shooting again. *Finally* got the
monofilament over the tree and hauled up the support rope, then guided
the dipole over the in-the-way Blackjack Oak and into the air. Phew.
Coax was already attached from the other day.
It's windy, as you may have noticed, and I see that the Sycamore moves
a whole lot more than the trees that the 5-band-trap is over (a
different Blackjack Oak and a different Walnut). We left a little
slack to see how it's going to settle. With the other antenna, there
is hardly any movement and I've tightened it up maybe three times
since it went up in 2006.
So I come inside and turn on the IC725. I set the *manual* tuner to
bypass to check out the bands. Nearly flat on all three!! Whoo hoo!
Hey. Is that a station I hear on 18.235? Sure enough ... worked
VK9DWX (Willis Is) on the first try.
Yes, I am having fun - why do you ask??? :-)
Thanks to [spouse] - couldn't have done it alone.
Misc work

Well, didn't get the 10 m dipole up. Did get some conduit up that will hold the feedline out of spouse's garden, though.
Also got a pulley attached at the 20' level of the push-up pole. That will eventually hold one end of the 10 m dipole (the other end will be over the crown of a Blackjack Oak).
I also measured the height of the 80-10 and 30-12 dipoles. The former is 7.9 m up (26') and the latter is 11.3 m (37' 2"). Both have a little slack, too, so they can probably gain another few cm if I care to tighten. :)
17 m hopping
A little casual operating on 17 m this morning, something I don't do enough.
Worked a 9A, a W1 (mobile) and a CT (International Polar Year special event station).
Straightened up the wahrs behind the operating position yesterday and finally wound some toroids into the computer's speaker leads. No more RFI on 17 at least. Need to test on other bands.
Might put up the other 10 m dipole today, too.
Worked a 9A, a W1 (mobile) and a CT (International Polar Year special event station).
Straightened up the wahrs behind the operating position yesterday and finally wound some toroids into the computer's speaker leads. No more RFI on 17 at least. Need to test on other bands.
Might put up the other 10 m dipole today, too.
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